Tomb Raider 1 Remastered

Trophy Guide & Roadmap (incl. DLCs)

Each section of the roadmap has an associated video in my YouTube playlist and every trophy as well as every collectable either has its own timestamp or own video. If you prefer to watch the videos instead of reading the guide, feel free to do so. If you like and subscribe, it would mean a lot to this channel!

Tutorial - Lara's Home

Lara's home serves as a short introduction to the game and can be used directly for two trophies.

Welcome to My Home!
Complete all exercises in Lara's Home
Lara tells us what to do. If we follow her commands exactly the trophy unlocks right after jumping in the pool. The basic controls are:
Moving - Left Stick or D-Pad
Jumping -
Action -
Walk -
Look -
Feast Your Eyes on This!
Take a close look at tons of gold
The tons of gold are located next to Lara's training room in the corridor, the entrance to which is blocked in the main hall.

Level 1 - Caves

The Caves have 14 enemies (1 bear, 6 wolves, 7 bats) for us to defeat and 7 Medipacks to collect (3 of them are secrets). We also need to start working on It's About Time, Circus of Vilcabamba & May They Rest in Ukhu Pacha.

The Apex Predator
Defeat a wolf while you are both in the air
This trophy requires a bit of luck but overall it's a pretty easy trophy as long as you only shoot while you're jumping. Wolves often jump at Lara to attack her. The first encounter with two wolves is the perfect opportunity for this or right after the first save crystal.
Like Dorothy
Use a level skip cheat code
The combination is + Up, + Down, Spin around 3 times, Jump Forward ( + Up).
Only the Brave Deserve the Fair
Swan dive to the floor from a maximum height to stay alive
The Caves offer a perfect spot for it right at the start of the level. To perform a swan dive we have to jump forward while holding .
Pharming Health
Collect all medipacks in a single level
If you're working on Tomb Cleaner you'll automatically earn this after collecting the seventh medipack in The Caves.
There's So Much to Remember Here
Open Photo Mode
To open up Photo Mode, we need to press both and . We can do this in whichever level we want.

Level 2 - City of Vilcabamba

The City of Vilcabamba contains 29 enemies (2 bears, 11 wolves, 16 bats) for us to defeat and 13 Collectibles (3 of them are secrets).

Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?
Take a close look at the snakes
To take a close look at the snakes we have to swim to the room that leads to the second secret in City of Vilcabamba. Just stand close to them and the trophy should unlock.
Go in to get the gold idol and exit through the same window
To be able to get the gold idol and exit through the same window we entered, it's pivotal to avoid the shuttered floor panels that lead into the first room. With them still intact we can easily get back up to the window.
Circus of Vilcabamba
Look at the bears standing on hind legs
To earn this trophy we have to take a closer look at all bears on their hinds. They have two different motions on their hinds, a short and a longer one. For this trophy we need to wait for the longer ones. The first bear is located in Caves and the remaining two are in City of Vilcabamba. The trophy didn't unlock for me while playing naturally, so I suppose it has to be done in one sitting.
Dances With Wolves
Gather 11 wolves in front of 4 toltec warriors
This trophy is more annoying than it is difficult. We have to gather all 11 wolves of City of Vilcabamba together. The more wolves are following Lara, the more difficult it will be to open doors. So open the doors as soon as possible and then run around the level to "collect" the remaining wolves.

Level 3 - Lost Valley

Lost Valley has a total 12 regular enemies (6 wolves, 6 raptors) plus the first boss (T-Rex) for us to defeat and 16 Collectibles (11 of them are part of the 5 secrets). Apart from that we need to start working on Clever Girl.

Defeat T-Rex
We earn this naturally while going for Leave Them Sucking Wind.
Lethal and Loaded
Find the shotgun before collecting any cogs
We have to find the shotgun before collecting any cogs in Lost Valley. So instead of descending towards the area where the raptors are, we need to make our way up the river and grab the shotgun from the skeleton.
Raid Not Kill
Do not hurt T-Rex
To earn this trophy we are not allowed to shoot a single bullet at the T-Rex in Lost Valley. Therefore we have to maneuver around it to get the needed cogs to finish this level.

Level 4 - Tomb of Qualopec

The Tomb of Qualopec is the final part of the Peru chapter. It offers 7 regular enemies (3 wolves, 3 raptors, 1 mummy) and the boss for us to defeat and 8 Items to collect.

Mummy, I'm Scared!
Make one of Qualopec's guardians fall down
The first section of the Scion is located on a pedestal in the center of the artifact room, which we will eventually enter after opening the three doors. Lara will automatically aim at one of the guardians next to Qualopec's throne as soon as we enter the room and draw our pistols. For Leave Them Sucking Wind we need to shoot it anyway.
May They Rest in Ukhu Pacha
Take a close look at two incan mummies
We have to take a closer look at two incan mummies. That basically means running right through them. The first one is located in Caves and the second one in Tomb of Qualopec. The trophy didn't unlock for me while playing naturally, so I suppose it has to be done in one sitting. Good news though, we can use the level skip cheat to skip levels 2 & 3.
Clever Girl
Don't let velociraptors bite you in Peru
The trophy description is self-explanatory. We need to avoid to take any damage from the 6 velociraptors in Lost Valley and the 3 in Tomb of Qualopec. It's doable while going for Hard Boiled, but if you struggle with the tight space in Tomb of Qualopec you can just use your shotgun and reload after unlocking the trophy.
Codex of Peru
Find all secrets in Peru
Peru has a total of 14 secrets. 3 in Caves, 3 in City of Vilcabamba, 5 in Lost Valley and 3 in Tomb of Qualopec. We earn this naturally while working on Tomb Cleaner.
The Unfound Tomb of Qualopec
Finish Peru chapter
This is story-related and unlocks right after defeating Larson in Tomb of Qualopec.

Level 5 - St. Francis' Folly

St. Francis' Folly has 23 enemies (4 lions, 4 gorillas, 1 crocodile, 14 bats) for us to defeat (Pierre doesn't count in this level, he disappears when he took enough damage) and 19 items to collect. Secret #2 requires a perfectly timed jump. Therefore it is recommended to make a manual save, otherwise you only get one chance.

So Salacia
Come out of water on your last breath in Neptune's room
We must plunge into the tiny pool of water that appears as soon as we enter Neptune's chamber. Neptune's key is located behind a gate near the end of the constrained passageway. There is a small trench above that gate, which leads to a lever that opens the gate in question. Swim all the way back to the top after pulling the lever and retrieving the key. But wait close to the surface until the oxygen bar is depleted and Lara starts to lose health before exiting the water to pop this trophy.
I Am No Heracles
Climb upside unharmed before boulder ends its way in Atlas' room
To earn this trophy we have to get up on the first block before the boulder comes across in Atlas' room in St. Francis' Folly.
You Are Really Loki
Don't let thunder hit you in Thor's room
As soon as we enter Thor's room, we will notice a ball directly in front of you that shoots lightning at metal platforms strewn throughout the room's entry area. It is highly advised that you save your game before attempting this. Just take your time to learn the pattern of the lightning trap and stay away from the metal tiles. To unlock the trophy it is not enough to enter the room unharmed, we also need to exit it without getting hit by a lightning strike.
Thor's Mercy
Let the block fall on your head in Thor's room
We have to position Lara on the landing spot of the block after triggering the huge hammer in St. Francis' Folly. Once you know where the block is going to land it's an easy trophy.
Exaggerated Threat
Defuse all swords in Damocles without being hurt
In Damocles' room we have to trigger all 18 swords in without getting hit. To trigger a sword we need to get close to it. But be careful, they don't just drop, they rather glide towards you, so back up quickly or hide behind a pillar.
Dionysius' Wisdom
Let only one sword hurt you in Damocles' room
It is advised to make a save after collecting the Key of Damocles. If you alraedy earned Exaggerated Threat, you probably know how to avoid the swords. Just try to do the same thing for all swords on your path to the exit, but this time get hurt intentionally by a single one of them.

Level 6 - Colosseum

The Colosseum challenges us with 27 enemies (12 lions, 4 crocodiles, 6 gorillas, 5 bats). One of the bats has been added with version 1.02. Pierre doesn't count, because he keeps running away. Apart from these, you can collect up to 14 items.

Kong's Fate
Make the gorilla from the arena die at the highest point possible
In the arena part of Colosseum we have to go to the opposite side from where we enter it, next to the lounge and get the gorilla to the highest point it can climb to. Once it's up there we must defeat it.
Ave, Lara!
Stand in emperor's box and sentence 10 animals on the arena to death
The Colosseum has a maximum of 10 animals in the arena. To get this trophy we have to gather them down there. Three animals are already in there. 3 more lions will get there when we open the first door. Another lion is hidden behind the stone walls that we need to attract. One gorilla will join them when we found the Rusty Key and the final 2 gorillas enter the arena when we pick up the medipack in the lounge, right before we would leave this level. Once all 10 of them are gathered in the arena we have to take them out one after another from the lounge.

Level 7 - Palace Midas

Palace Midas offers the highest number of enemies so far with 43 (4 crocodiles, 20 gorillas, 6 lions, 10 bats, 3 rats). There are also 23 items for us to collect, including the one from the corner bug.

You Corner Bug!
Get unreachable medipack in Palace Midas
We must jump over a few pillars to reach the five levers in the large room with the four symbol-equipped doors. There are a few white blocks on the left side of the building with the five levers looking at it from the entrance to the room. When we jump onto the final pillar just before we jump onto the building, we will be directly in front of the white blocks in question. As you can see, there is a Large Medipack on top of these blocks. To use the corner bug we need to line Lara up at a 45° angle to the unreachable edge and keep jumping without using the D-Pad. If it's done correctly, her left arm should glitch into the block.
Tempered Lara
Catch fire and put it out with water
The first opportunity to earn this trophy is in the YOOOO Room of Palace Midas. Just wait long enough on the fire trap or jump over the brown line to get on fire and jump into the water below.
It's About Time!
Take a close look at all ancient time devices
There are 2 ancient devices that are required for this trophy. The first one is located in Caves together with secret #3 and the second one is the small sundial in Palace Midas. Just run up to them. Looking at them with L1 isn't necessary.
Midas Touch
Become golden Lara
Towards the end of Palace Midas we have to turn three lead bars into golden ones. If you jump on Midas' hand instead of putting the bars there, Lara will turn gold and the trophy pops.

Level 8 - The Cistern

The Cistern has 34 enemies for us to offer (20 rats, 6 crocodiles, 3 gorillas, 5 lions). In addition to them, Pierre starts to get annoying, especially to those who try to get Hardy Raider and Hard Boiled during the first playthorugh. Apart from all that we can find 28 items.

Au Revoir!
Make Pierre go away using magnums
Pierre appears in many levels while we are in Greece. He usually disappears when he takes enough damage. For this trophy we have to damage him with our magnums. A good level to get this is The Cistern where he appears 3 times.

Level 9 - Tomb of Tihocan

Tomb of Tihocan is the final chapter of Greece and the final chapter of Pierre, luckily. There are only 17 enemies (3 crocodiles, 6 rats, 1 lion, 4 gorillas, 2 centaurs & Pierre), but 26 collectibles to find.

Codex of Greece
Find all secrets in Greece
The Greece chapter contains 15 secrets. 4 in St. Francis' Folly, 3 in Colosseum, 3 in Palace Midas, 3 in The Cistern and 2 in Tomb of Qualopec. We earn this naturally while working on Tomb Cleaner.
Not So Late for the Prize Giving!
Defeat Pierre
This is story-related and unlocks after defeating Pierre in Tomb of Tihocan.
Look Over Us Kindly, Tihocan
Finish Greece chapter
This is story-related and unlocks shortly after defeating Pierre in Tomb of Tihocan.
On Incredible Tales
Let centaurs live in Greece
This trophy is pretty easy and can be achieved in Tomb of Tihocan. The left centaur comes to live, when the temple door is open and you are next to it. To earn the trophy just ran past it and finish the level.

Level 10 - City of Khamoon

This level doesn't have any trophies tied to it. It has 15 enemies (9 panthers, 3 mummies, 3 crocodiles) and 24 collectable items.

Level 11 - Obelisk of Khamoon

Just 16 enemies (6 panthers, 1 crocodile, 9 mummies), but 38 collectable items.

Enter the Crocodile
Take 6 items underwater in one breath
We have to pick up 6 items during a single dive. We can do this after collecting all 4 keys in "Obelisk of Khamoon". Just make sure to have a full health bar to give yourself a little more time.

Level 12 - Sanctuary of the Scion

Sanctuary of the Scion is the final chapter of Egypt with a tough battle right near the end of it. At least if we're trying to achieve Hard Boiled & Hardy Raider in the same playthrough. The level contains 15 enemies (6 fireball-shooting mummies, 5 flying monsters, 3 centaurs and Larson) and 29 collectable items including an invisible medipack.

Pet This Cat
Do a handstand on the Sphinxes face
During Sanctuary of the Scion we'll eventually have to climb up the Sphinx. By holding while pulling Lara up the edge of its face, she should perform a handstand to unlock this one.
Do Uzi This One?
Get hidden Uzis in Egypt
Unlocks automatically while going for Tomb Cleaner. The Uzis lie on an invisible platform diagonally from the sphinx head.
Codex of Egypt
Find all secrets in Egypt
Unlocks automatically while going for Tomb Cleaner. Egypt has only 7 secrets. 3 in City of Khamoon, 3 in Obelisk of Khamoon and 1 in Sanctuary of the Scion.
Pain in Your Brain!
Defeat Larson
This is story-related and unlocks right defeating Larson in Sanctuary of the Scion.
Little Vacation Riot's Over
Finish Egypt chapter
This is story-related and unlocks after picking up the final part of the Scion in Sanctuary of the Scion.

Level 13 - Natla's Mines

This is the first level of Atlantis and challenges us with 3 boss fights. Luckily those 3 are the only enemies in this level. Each one of them rewards us with a trophy. Apart from those we can collect 30 items.

I'm Not Falling for This Trick
Take a secret in Natla's Mines without stepping on trap slide
For this trophy we have to get in AND out of the first secret area in Natla's Mines, without stepping on the trap slide. It's basically just about two angled jumps.
It's Personal Now!
Defeat Cowboy
Cowboy is the first boss fight in this level. There is a cheesy way to beat him by hiding behind the movable block that leads to him, but he is also pretty easy to handle by rolling around him.
Yes, I'm Firing at You!
Defeat Skater enemy
Skater is the second boss fight in this level. He can be tough if we stay in front of him for too long. Just try to stay behind him and hide quickly when he turns around to skate towards you.
Defeat Bald enemy
The Bald enemy is the third and final boss fight before heading to Atlantis. He can deal a lot of damage with his shotgun, even from distance. Therefore it is recommended to stay close to him and always roll behind him. The shotgun fires a lot slower than all other weapons and the guy moves slower than his predecessors.
Shell Sucker!
Defeat Bald enemy using shotgun
The shotgun can be found a little while after the Cowboy fight in Natla's Mines. With it in our inventory we have to make to the end of the level and face the bald guy with it in a shotgun showdown. If you're working on Tomb Cleaner and Hard Boiled and the same time, make a manuel save before the fight, show him how to use the shotgun properly and reload the save to do it again with the pistols.

Level 14 - Atlantis

Atlantis has 32 heavy-hitting enemies for us to defeat (16 mutants, 14 flying mutants, 2 centaurs). Be prepared and patient if you try to get through here while only using your pistols and without using any medipacks. As of version 1.02 there are 51 collectibles we need to pick up.

Stand on the thrones of all three rulers
While playing through Atlantis we'll eventually come to a room with three thrones. To unlock this trophy we simply need to climb on every single one of them.
Be Like Prince
Don't get hurt through your doppelganger
After fighting the first centaur in this level we get to a cave with two atlantean mutants and a third enemy, that Lara will aim at immediately. Don't shoot! Shooting the doppelganger is the only way that would hurt us. Instead trick it into the lava trap and the trophy unlocks.
Shelley's Encore
Make Lara scream twice while falling
Right at the end of Atlantis before picking up the Scion, we can run past it and jump straight into the lava pit. From that height Lara should scream twice and the trophy pops.
Secret Door
It's not right time to be here. There's a door for you.
Same location as Shelley's Encore. Jump on the big plattform and you'll see a hole in the wall on the right-hand side. Getting in there and going all the way back to the Scion pops this trophy.

Level 15 - The Great Pyramid

This is it, the final level of the main game. It contains 31 items and 6 enemies (Natla, Legless Mutant, 3 mutants & the Scion) that are not as dangerous as the traps all around the level.

Kind of Evolution on Steroids
Defeat Natla's new breed
This is story-related, because we have to defeat it to be able to move on. There is a cheesy way of taking care of it, by hanging from the edge until the mutant moves to the other end of the platform. It's not completely safe, but probably our best bet if we're working on Hardy Raider & Hard boiled.
Watch Your Step
Where the pyramid meets the water, step on only one surface square
To make it across the pyramid in Atlantis while only stepping on one block of it, we have to make a precise jump from the first stone pillar to the second one and from there to the flat tile in front of it. Once we are on the pyramid we have to move quickly to avoid the boulder. At this time we are not allowed to step on another part of the pyramid so we have to jump directly to the exit, which can be pretty tricky.
After Us the Deluge!
Make all shuttered floor panels crash on a single walkthrough
If you follow my videoguide, you should get all of them without worrying too much about it. If not, make sure you take a look at the following list that shows how many breakable tiles there are in every level. The total number is 51.

  • Caves: 2
  • City of Vilcabamba: 14
  • Tomb of Qualopec: 10
  • St. Francis' Folly: 1
  • Palace Midas: 4
  • The Cistern: 5
  • Tomb of Tihocan: 5
  • Natla's Mines: 1
  • The Great Pyramid: 9
Codex of Atlantis
Find all secrets in Atlantis
Unlocks automatically while going for Tomb Cleaner. Atlantis has 9 secrets. 3 in Natla's Mines, 3 in Atlantis and 3 in The Great Pyramid.
Swan dive in a hole with water surrounded by fire
Just before the final fight we come across a single breakable tile and a swinging axe. Getting there and jumping towards the vast opening across will get us to the final secret. From there we need to make a swan dive into the small water hole below the former breakable tile.
Yes, I Can!
Defeat the third Ruler of Atlantis
This is story-related and unlocks right defeating Natla in The Great Pyramid. Be careful, this fight has two phases, but none of them is really difficult.
Play It Like You Did on a Console in 1996
Save 86 times or less in a single walkthrough
This is pretty self-explanatory. Next to your manual saves you see a number. Make sure you are still below 86 when finishing this playthrough.
Leave Them Sucking Wind
Defeat every possible enemy in one walkthrough
There are a total of 295 enemies we need to defeat. If you follow my videos make sure to take care of an additional bat in Colosseum. They added it after I was done recording, but the other 294 can all be seen in the videos.

  • Caves: 14
  • City of Vilcabamba: 29
  • Lost Valley: 13
  • Tomb of Qualopec: 8
  • St. Francis' Folly: 23
  • The Colosseum: 27
  • Palace Midas: 43
  • The Cistern: 34
  • Tomb of Tihocan: 17
  • City of Khamoon: 15
  • Obelisk of Khamoon: 16
  • Sanctuary of the Scion: 15
  • Natla's Mines: 3
  • Atlantis: 32
  • The Great Pyramid: 6
The Cataclysm of Atlantis
Finish Atlantis chapter
Story-related. The trophy pops when we slide down to the end of the level.
Hard Boiled
Beat the game using only Lara's guns
We are not allowed to use the shotgun, magnums or uzis throughout an entire playthrough. But it sounds much harder than it actually is. It is recommended to do this in the first playthrough to save one playthrough.
Hardy Raider
Beat the game without using any medipacks
You can combine this with Hard Boiled. It makes both trophies a lot harder but it is doable. If you don't feel comfortable trying this, I would recommend to at least play until Atlantis without using them, so you don't have to make a full playthrough just for this. On the start of every new level your health will be fully restored.
Curses, Like Chickens, Come Home to Roost
Finish Natla with her own production guns
The production guns the trophy is mentioning are the magnums. The second phase of the final bossfight in The Great Pyramid is enough to unlock the trophy.
Tomb Cleaner
Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough
The game has a total of 357 items we need to pickup. Unlike the enemies the items at least have a counter in every level. If you need help with finding certain items, please refer to my videos, tehy show every pickup except one in Atlantis, because it was unreachable at the time of recording. But the description there tells you where to find the missing uzi clips.


Find all 36 ways to die
This is pretty tedious. You may have gotten it while playing the game naturally. But usually you take care of surviving so there is a good chance you haven't seen all ways of dying until this point. Below you'll find a list of the required deaths in chronological order. The linked playlist on top has a video that is dedicated to this trophy in case you need some visual reference.

  • Dart Trap
  • Bat
  • Swan dive falling
  • Wolf
  • Bear
  • Drowning
  • Falling
  • Swinging Axe
  • Raptor
  • T-Rex
  • Boulder
  • Spikes
  • Falling debris
  • Larson
  • Lion
  • Gorilla
  • Pierre
  • Thor's lightning
  • Thor's hammer
  • Damocles sword
  • Crocodile
  • Fire
  • Midas hand
  • Clamping metal doors
  • Rat
  • Centaur
  • Panther
  • Cat mummy
  • Cowboy
  • Skater boy
  • Bald guy
  • Ground Atlantean
  • Flying Atlantean
  • Lara's doppelgänger
  • Legless mutant
  • Natla

DLC Level 1 - Atlantean Stronghold

The next four sections of this list are completely optional if you're just looking to get the platinum trophy. The Atlantean Stronghold is the first level of the Unfinished Business expansion. It has 31 enemies (1 centaur, 25 mutants, 5 flying mutants) for us to put away and 63 items to collect. To work on Roll, Action! we need to trigger 4 boulders in this level.

How Do I Get It?
Squeeze in for a medipack
At the start of the level, carefully drop through the hole in front of you, then proceed down the hallway and wait for the boulder to fall into the lava pit. Once it's safe, move forward and perform a swan dive from the corner to land in the angled alcove, where you'll find the required medipack.
Leap of Faith
Swan dive to the hole in the end of Atlantean Stronghold level
Late in the level, after passing through a small cave area, we can climb up to the left to find ourselves high above the golden structure from the beginning of the level. Ahead, is a grey tile. We need to position Lara at the corner edge and perform a swan dive into the distant hole, leading you toward the exit room.
Emergency Escape
Finish Atlantean Stronghold level in less than 5 minutes
There is a way to bypass a huge portion of this level. Actually it can be finished in 2-3 minutes. From the beginning, descend the hole in front of you, wait for the boulder in the next hallway, and then enter the open space. Proceed to the left side of the massive tower structure and just dash past the adversaries. You can jump to and grab hold of a long ledge that runs along the upper left portion of the space. Use photo mode to assist you if needed as you swivel all the way over and align yourself with the opening in the golden building behind you. Then ascend to the ledge and backflip into the hole. Once at the bottom, all we need to do is climbing out and run to the exit hallway with a switch to end this level.

DLC Level 2 - The Hive

The Hive is the second and therefore last atlantean level of the Unfinished Business expansion. It has 41 enemies (5 centaurs, 27 mutants, 9 flying mutants) for us to put to sleep and 60 items to collect. To work on Roll, Action! we need to trigger 25 boulders at the start of this level. There is a single one that doesn't trigger which is working as intended.

On Tiptoes
Avoid triggering the boulders until using any of two levers across the room
Right at the start of the level, we need to reach a switch on the other side of the room without triggering one of the boulders. To do so, we can jump only on the tiles with pictures on them, to make it across.
Codex of Hive
Find all secrets in Atlantis
This should unlock naturally while going for Gifts of Wonderland. There are only 3 secrets, 2 in Atlantean Stronghold and 1 in The Hive.
I See Goals, I Don't See Obstacles
Do not use slides to take the only secret in The Hive
After navigating the first few rooms of the level, we'll descend a long slide into a large area covered in lava. There's a secret hidden in a low trench at the center of the room — though many tiles look like lava, we can still walk on them. We need to follow the jumps along the trench until we reach an area with a large medipack in the corner and two opposing slides, which we must avoid touching. To escape, we need to line up a running jump from the flat platform across from the secret and grab the ledge to climb up. Once we collect the secret, we then need to retrace our steps. The trophy pops as soon as we exit the trench.
To Arms
Get all weapons in Atlantis levels
Unlocks automatically while going for Gifts of Wonderland.
Defeat two centaurs in the arena using only Lara's pistols without taking damage
At some point we reach a set of double doors that open using switches on either side. Equip the pistols before entering. The room is oval-shaped with a central divider, and the two centaurs are waiting on the other side. The best strategy, is to move to the left side of the room and turn to face its length. Position Lara on the gold/red tiles, then begin performing side flips while firing.
Lucky Diver
Collect eleven underwater items in one breath
After defeating the two centaurs for Ben-Hur and pulling the switches, we'll enter the next room, where five more enemies await. We need to take care of them before attempting this trophy. In the large pool, we'll find two switches. We need to pull them both to open the doors, then surface for air. It is recommended to start with the left-hand door, where five items are grouped closely together, then quickly swim through the other door to collect the six more spread-out items. If we run low on air, we should be ready to use some medipacks.
Not Too Late
Defeat every atlantean creature in Unfinished Business levels
72 is the magic number here. There are 31 in Atlantean Stronghold and 41 in The Hive. We are allowed to use any weapon we like, because there is no trophy like Hard Boiled for the DLC.
Business Is Finished
Finish Unfinished Business levels
This trophy pops after finishing the first two DLC levels.

DLC Level 3 - Return to Egypt

Return to Egypt is the third level of the Unfinished Business expansion. This time we don't have to take down all enemies. For the trophy "Crocodile Rock" we have to keep all crocodiles alive. Apart from that, there are 53 items to collect and 11 trophies tied to this level. To work on Roll, Action! we need to trigger 10 boulders in this level.

Behind Cat's Eyes
Check out what those big eyes are hiding
At the start of Return to Egypt, there are two cat statues across the gap. We need to make a running jump to the other side and climb up to where the statues are. The trophy should unlock after picking up the medipack there.
Down the Rabbit Hole
Make a long swan dive for someone who is winking at you
At the beginning of the level, move forward to open the door on the ground in front of us, then simply perform a swan dive into the water below.
That Belongs in a Museum!
Take a close look at the preserved egyptian vase
We need to swim through the underwater tunnel to the right of the sphinx. Upon exiting, we have to turn right and climb out into the room with two panthers. After taking them out, we can exit into the area with the overhead bridge and turn left. From there, we need to climb onto the ridge with the bars, the vase will be on the right in a small alcove. Just getting close to it should be sufficient.
Alone in the Dark
Die in a very dark mysterious place
The location for this trophy is right next to the third secret, where we can also grab the Schmitty's Leap. To get it, we need to climb up and drop onto the pillar, then jump through the dark hole. The trophy should pop once we reload the save, so it's important to make a save nearby before attempting this.
Schmitty's Leap
Get the secret on the high rock by making a swan dive jump
After unlocking Alone in the Dark, we have to make a running jump to the ledge ahead. Then, we need to position ourselves to jump and slide down to grab the other side of the ledge. After shimmying over, climb up and turn 180 degrees to spot the secret on another ledge ahead. Get there by making a swan dive.
Jaws of Death
Jump over the three boulders on the center road on the way to the cat image without getting hurt
After making our way up the bridge and jumping over to the cat statue, it's a good idea to make a manual save before using the key to open the door. It is recommended to use modern controls for this trophy, because it allows you to turn around faster and therefore we can position Lara better to jump over the boulders.
I'm Not a Pin
Jump over two boulders outside without taking damage
After exiting the pool that leads outside and defeating the panther, we need to head around the hieroglyph wall. As we approach, two boulders will roll down the lower slope. Jumping over them with a normal jump should unlock the trophy even if you lose some health.
Crocodile Rock
Get all items without killing any crocodiles there
If you're going for Gifts of Wonderland, make sure to not hurt any crocodile. Avoiding them will eventually unlock the trophy.
Like Alice
Listen to the biggest cat face under the night sky
Near the end of the level, we'll find ourselves outside. All we need to do from here is jump out of the area and head towards the large cat image on the floor. The trophy pops once we stand on the pillar next to it.
Take Lara so far into the desert that she dies
Right after unlocking Like Alice we simply need to run right into the desert until the game automatically kills Lara.
Bastet's Stash
Get hidden Uzi ammo in Return to Egypt level
Unlocks automatically while going for Gifts of Wonderland.

DLC Level 4 - Temple of the Cat

Temple of the Cat is the final level of the Unfinished Business expansion. We don't need all enemies in this mission but there are 63 items to collect. Additionally there are 10 trophies we can earn in this level. To work on Roll, Action! we need to trigger 9 boulders in this level.

Cat's Cunning
Enter the temple without moving two adjacent blocks
After clearing the first area, we will make our way outside. Once outside, we will see the pyramid with a movable block in front of it. We need to push and pull the block all the way around the pyramid to climb up and enter the temple. Inside, walk towards the door, and the trophy will unlock.
Let's Stretch Together
Do a handstand near the highest cat statue in front of the temple
After making our way outside, we'll see a cat statue on a pillar. Climb up the pyramid and perform a handstand near that cat statue and the trophy should pop right after it.
No Feline Vision
Turn on the lights in the temple
Once we get past the huge door to get into the temple, we need to make a save and proceed down the hall to the left. On the right side of the alcove, there's a switch that turns the lights on. If we want to access the second secret, we have to reload after unlocking the trophy, as activating this switch locks the door further down the hallway.
Roll, Action!
Make all the boulders except that one roll in a single walkthrough
This trophy unlocks after triggering all boulders throughout all 4 DLC levels. It should pop right after the 9th boulder in Temple of the Cat.
Not the First Raider Here
Stare at Lara's ancient image on the wall for 5 seconds
After passing through the room with all the mummies in alcoves, we need to reach the switch behind the cat statue. Once we pull the switch and activate the golden bridge, we have to go through the door into a garden-like area. Following the greenery-lined tunnel, we'll enter a room with a large pillar depicting two figures. One of them is Lara. Standing right in front of the pillar and looking up at this figure for a couple of seconds unlocks this trophy. It also works with a similar image in the little pool at the end of the garden area.
Codex of Cat
Find all secrets in Egypt
This unlocks automatically while going for Gifts of Wonderland. The Egypt DLC levels have seven secrets in total, 3 in Return to Egypt and 4 in Temple of the Cat.
Get all secret items and leave the room by moving the blocks no more than 24 times
Near the end of the level in the long hallway with 3 doors, standing on the tile in front of the middle room door also secretly opens a door at the far end of the hallway. It's timed, so we need to enter it quickly. To access a secret, we must move a series of blocks, which requires a minimum of 21 moves. Using a video for this makes it a lot easier.
Get out of the trap room alive leaving it clear
This room is right behind the tile we used to open the door for Sokoban. We want to go to the middle step of the short staircase, then do a 180-degree turn and backflip toward the top. Once we cross the trigger point, the step will turn into a ramp. Holding Jump as we fall allows us to immediately hop off the ramp, angling left or right. From there, we quickly do a forward jump into the alcove ahead. The mummies tend to knock us off about half the time, so we saving before entering the room is highly recommended.
Gifts of Wonderland
Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough
To unlock this trophy we need to pick up all 239 items that are scattered throughout the four DLC levels. A video guide is highly recommended for this.
Finish Shadow of the Cat levels
Story-related. Unlocks after finishing the fourth DLC level.

New Game+ & Speedrun

Now with everything collected and all enemies defeated we need to take care of the final step towards our platinum trophy which is about New Game+ and the Speedrun. Both can be combined to save ourselves any additional playthroughs.

Consolidate the Material
Beat the game on New Game+
The differences between the first playthorugh and New Game+ are significant. In New Game+, we start with all our weapons, but enemies have much more health. Additionally, we cannot create manual saves; instead, we must rely on save crystals scattered across the fifteen levels. Each crystal allows for a single save and then disappears, requiring us to use them strategically. Another major change is that there are no Small or Large Medipacks available as pickups in any level. However, using a save crystal fully restores our health, making them even more valuable.
I Only Play for Sport!
Finish game in less than 5 hours
If you would like to save a playthrough you can combine this with New Game+. It's a little harder but still doable in about 3,5 hours if you're familiar with the different levels. There are many passages we can skip entirely by avoiding certain enemies and riddles. Using glitches can help as well but is not necessary at all. If we manage to finish the game in under five hours, this trophy will be ours. Fortunately, if we need a break, Photo Mode does pause the timer.
Featuring Lara Croft
Collect all trophies in Tomb Raider I